Q: Puppy 101

Hey all,

Whilst I was looking at one of my favourite FB groups – Puppy 101 I came across a post with several questions, which undoubtedly was asked by who I believe to be one of the many respected members of the international pup community – Papa Woof Roth.

The Questions are in blue and my responses below them:


How did you find puppy?

So I have touched on this in my blog previously, I was exploring BDSM and its kinda hard to explain, as I lived in a rural costal township at the time, I was looking for something that I could identify with, this was difficult as I had previously identified asa boy and still do. On an internet search I stubbled across pup play and it sparked interest and it was like a light bulb moment. I spoke to a couple of friends about this who gave me some advice.

I knew there was something different about pup play, by the end of 2012 I was certain that I wanted to explore my inner pup and find out more about my identity as a pup. My life long partner helped me find my paws and brought me my first leather hood for christmas. He also brought me my pup bed 2 years latter. Whist it was not always that easy for me to come out as a pup, I felt that I had to hide this and I did for a good 12 months, occasionally going to Brisbane’s Local Leather Club and getting my pup on.

I have to thank Pup Riot for all his support and help, and the many other friends and those who I now call family in Brisbane. It has been a big journey, but I feel I have found my true self in my inner pup. Whilst I still maintain a boy persona especially for those BDSM activities I enjoy.

What was your first experience in the puppy community?

My first experience in the pup community was attending a pup 101 workshop, and then attending a Boot Co. night named Howl, where I found what pup-space was all about thanks to the awesome support of the evenings organisers.

Who do you look up to as a mentor in the community?

WOW, this is a difficult one as so many different people have influenced me and my Journey, I would have to say in Brisbane Pup Riot, Master Brand, Brother Hazy and Alex (Black Rabbit)

Interstate: Pup Boss, Wolf Pup and G Pup Alpha

On the international side and online I am going to add Pup Tripp and Papa Woof Roth

And a good friend – Glenn

What would you like to see in the community?

This is difficult to answer as the community is made up of many different individuals. I would say the continued efforts to work together to create great resources and pup education and life long friends. I had to see I love many things with our community – brother and sister hood.

Do you go to any events?

Yes I help run and arrange the Q-PAH events, I love attending the VIC-PAH events and Howl. I have also attended a few workshops, and when I get the opportunity to travel overseas there are so many more I wish to experience including IPC.

In 2016 I am attending Pup Pride Down Under.

How has Puppy changed good OR bad since you have been part of it?

There are certainly more pups then before, and the gear is getting better and allowing for more versatility and individuality.

Another good point is pups are becoming a lot more accepted by the leather and kink communities

One of the negatives I have found some guys seam to blame their actions or avoid responsibility cause they were in pup headspace.

The puppy 101 group can be found at: Puppy 101

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